September 26, 2008

Insomniac's Dream

I don't sleep. Ok, I don't sleep like a normal person. I never have. Even when I was a baby I did not sleep through the night. At least that's what my Mom has told me, I don't really remember. But it sounds like something I would (not) do. When I was in college my insomnia got completely out of whack and I stayed awake for close to four days. I was extremely pale and lost a visible amount of weight in just four days. Plus the dark circles under the eyes and the deadening of all the senses are really good times.

If you are one of the lucky ones that does not suffer from this affliction let me try and draw you a picture. Actually the best two examples I can come up with are both movies. Fight Club and The Machinist are both excellent examples of what the world looks like after a few days of not sleeping. The only difference is that those are movies and real life is no where near as cool.

I say all of this because I cannot sleep. Looking back on the past week I can count one night where I slept more than three hours in a row, and that was actually during the day Wednesday. I can also count four days (not in a row) of no sleep what so ever. I need drugs.


sweet mave said...

the ghost won't let u sleep.