June 17, 2009

It's That Time of the Year

For a little over two weeks now I have been compiling data. This data is going to help me gain an advantage over other people. Not only will I gain an advantage but it will give me the secrets to all I want to know. Are you interested yet?

I LOVE fantasy football and around this time every year I start getting really excited about the upcoming season. Some might say I may even get a little too excited, possibly bordering on obsessive. It may be true but I don't care. Since I started playing in 2004 I have been consumed with the game. I started a league in 2006 and this season will mark our fourth season. The next couple months will be all about scouting reports and draft trends. I will participate in mock drafts and spend endless hours evaluating injury reports and player rankings.

Some of you might wonder why I would spend so much time (and money) on something as arbitrary as fantasy football. That is easy to answer, I want to win! I want to destroy all the other teams in our league! I want to laugh in their faces as my perfectly constructed team slices through their puny and pathetic teams made up of sentimental picks and home town heroes like Sherman marching to the sea. Tyrannical? Yes. And very much my mission. If you play you know what I'm talking about. If not, don't call the authorities just yet. Maybe around the draft I'll completely lose it and meds may be necessary. Until then stay out of my way and let me enjoy myself. Only 74 days until the draft....