January 30, 2010

My "Fast" Life Days 9-11

It's pretty much been the same the last few days. I think I've leveled out and I'm starting to grow accustomed to this new diet of healthy foods. Other than the convenience of fast food and the occasional sugar craving things are going well. And speaking of sugar cravings, today (day 11) was really tough. I went to WalMart and Kroger both today and of course they are both doing a big Valentine's Day push. I wanted to buy one of everything and eat it right there in the middle of the store. Only nineteen more days left. I swear, at 12:01 on February 19th I am going to be at Waffle House whoring myself out for a stack of waffles and a piece of pecan pie heated with butter. On a related note I had to punch another hole in my belt today. Yay me!!