I know I haven't done a "fast life" post in a while but it's been pretty boring. As I only have nine days left I'm making plans to come off of this thing and get back to normal. I have learned I love foods I never thought I would and that I really don't need or want certain foods that I have overate in the past. I'm well within striking distance of my target weight (or my "single weight" as I like to call it). What has been nice with all this is that the combination of the fast and being in the gym has reduced more fat than weight and I'm feeling a lot better about the way I look.
I didn't start this fast as a weight loss program. Quite honestly I'm still not 100% sure why I'm doing it but it has been a exercise is self restraint. In the past I would have never been able to make it through. With everything I've been through in the last few months I've found that I have the will and determination to do anything. I may be growing as a person. How the hell did that happen?
Don't forget, my band is playing on February 19th!!
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