August 29, 2010

Mixed Nuts part 2

Work is about to kill me. I like being the boss but I hate being "the boss." I have put in way too many hours already this week with no end in sight. I originally was going to take off two days this week but as it stands I'm not even getting one. That makes three weeks straight. I have had two legitimate days off since I started with the company. Things have got to slow down or I'm not going to make it. I can feel the fatigue setting in daily.

I was at Guitar Center the other night and I looked around the room. I noticed that roughly 40% of the guys in there were with a female companion. And all of the females were very attractive. In all honesty we all got into playing music in order to get chicks. I can say that I have NEVER gotten a chick because I play music. Quite honestly it has been a long time since I have gotten any interest from someone because of music. It leads me to wonder if I'm fooling myself with my abilities. Granted, I have no designs on making it in music any longer. I gave up on that dream a long time ago but I do still enjoy performing. And I think that's what it comes down to: I'm a performer not a musician. Style over substance and all that jazz. I said all that to say this, I'm a failure at being a rock star and picking up chicks. Since I no longer have the chops for sex and rock n roll I guess it's time to go back to drugs.

This is what I perceive a recent conversation went something like (all names are changes because I don't want to get bitched at anymore):

Person A: What do you think of (******)?

Person #2: (******)? (******) is awesome. I love him more than anything. Why?

A: I don't know. I've been thinking about him a lot lately. We've hung out and had a good time but there's something...I don't know.

#2: Are you talking about dating him? Oh, HELL NO!! That would be the worst thing you could ever do!!

A: Why is that? You just said you love him more than anything.

#2: I do but your signs don't match up. And in the grand scheme of things if your totally made up, vague and  prejudice star signs are incompatible then there's no way that you could ever have a relationship built on trust, understanding and love. You'd just be setting yourself up for failure.

A: Yeah, you're right. What do you think about (****)?

#2: Oh, he's perfect for you!! He's a Taurus. You two would have a totally drama free and trustworthy relationship because of the facts of your signs.

A: I'm so glad we had this talk. Let's have another drink and talk some more about how smart we are!!