Since Dragon*Con was this last weekend I thought I'd share my thoughts on the state of the Geek. It ain't pretty...
I've got some news for you geeks. You didn't win. You are not the new cool. You are not on the cutting edge of culture. For the past few years all the over weight, comic book reading, internet blogging, "I was a fan before you" geeks who have been holed up in their mother's basement since graduating high school have been crowing about winning the fight. First off, there was no fight. Geek culture went down like a fat kid in a dodge-ball game once the checkbook came out. Your "culture" was bought with a whimper not a bang. And let's be honest, Hollywood didn't exactly come calling until X-Men made bank at the box office. Now every property is being bought up before the first issue hits the shelf.
As far as being the new cool (or "sexy" as I've heard recently), it never happened. Attractive people who have co-oped your "culture" are sexy. It's just like punk rock in the 90's, once the captain of the football team is wearing a Ramones t-shirt (or in this case a Flash t-shirt) it's over. It is true that television shows like Chuck and The Big Bang Theory have main characters that love all things geek. But all the actors on those shows are attractive, shapely and social well adjusted. Congratulations, you can't even live up to your own standard bearers. But take heart, at the rate America is getting fat you'll be a stud before long.
Probably the worst lie that has come out of the geek chic movement is the myth of the hot geek girl. Just like the hot goth girl and the Loch Ness monster the hot geek girl only exists in movies and the minds of those who want to believe. Sorry guys, the truth hurts sometimes. I should know because I'm one of you. Well, not really. It is true that I have read a large amount of comics, talked for hours about Star Wars and played way too many video games to ever be considered one of the cool kids. But that's fine, I'm in my mid-thirties and all that stuff is mostly in my past. As are my days as an all-star pitcher. Oh yeah, I was someone who played sports and played in a band (that's A band not THE band) as well as watched Star Trek: The Next Generation and read Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in all its black & white glory. I had the best of both worlds and it was great. You should strive to be like that. Not like me but more socially adjusted.
I said all that to say this, it's time for the real geeks to stop crowing and start showing. Get out from in front of the computer and go outside. Learn to socially interact with people, it's not as hard as you think. Stop being the butt of the joke. Probably the worst part of this "geek" movement is that the writers and producers still take every opportunity to point out all the stereotypes associated with being a geek. The worst offender being Olivia Munn who built her popularity on your back then bolted G4 as soon as she got a chance. The whole time making fun of you to your face. And one more thing, in real life Penny and Leonard would NEVER be friends let alone lovers.
Like I said, the truth hurts. Good luck with that Scarlett Spider costume for San Diego next year.
September 7, 2010
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I'm really not sure where you're coming from here. Are you saying geek lost because it's still not considered cool? What's your definition of cool? Is it based on popularity? "Popular" just means that the majority of people like you. Except the majority of people are idiots. You're much better off being in the uncool 10%. That's where all the best people are.
Here's rule #1, make sure you write it down, memorize it, or have it tattooed on your genitals for future reference:
If you're happy, you've won.
If you spend your life obsessing over the latest clothes and hairstyles, because you harbor a deep fear of being thought of as uncool, then you've lost. You're letting other people live your life for you, and you might as well be a mannequin instead of a person.
If you spend your life obsessing over Star Wars, because you really enjoy obsessing over Star Wars, you've won. You're being you and only you, and loving every minute of it.
I don't know if there's any deeper meaning to life. I don't know why we're born and I don't know what happens when we die. But I can't think of any better measure of success than happiness.
You're wrong about Munn. Any G4 player would jump at the chance to be a regular on the Daily Show, regardless of their roots in geek culture. Besides, she's been at G4 for four years; that's enough time to warrant a new gig.
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