August 8, 2009

I'm a Slacker, I know

I've been lazy about keeping this blog up to date...well pretty much from the beginning. Some cool stuff is happening as well as some cool stuff that is upcoming. Nothing I want to get into right now (believe me, I've been called a tease A LOT in my life). Make sure and check out the Cinegeek and Con Trek websites as well as my other links over there on the left for more details. One thing you may notice that's changed is my MySpace link. I no longer have a personal page on that oh, so 2005 social network, but the link takes you to something else that I'm trying to kick start. So go check it out and let me know what you think.

I have noticed that I'm reaching a worldwide audience here. This blog has been viewed in England, Taiwan, Croatia, Turkey and Italy. Oh, yeah, and Canada. But they're not a real country so it doesn't count. All your hockey are belong to us!!