August 9, 2009

One Very Small Step

Apparently I am not meant to sleep. Ever. Over the last couple weeks I have seen the sun rise more times than not (five times this week). My early morning tweets and facebook updates have entertained many of you, and enraged others (I'd say I'm sorry but I'm not). But all this non-sleep has given me a lot of time to catch up on a few things that I have been neglecting. Admittedly none of those things are worth mentioning due to the fact that they don't matter to anyone but me.

Still, I'm amazed at just how naive some people are about the internet and its lasting effect on their lives. I mean, I'm sure "Two Girls, One Cup" seemed liked a good idea at the time, but do you really think that those girls will put that little flick on their resumes in the future? Then there are the people who plaster their random thoughts across the world wide web without taking any future consequences into consideration. I like to think there is a special office in Washington D.C. dedicated to these people. It is governed by the Secretary of Dumbassery and has a picture of Neville Chamberlain hanging above the desk. In this X-Filesesque office are stacks and stacks of ridiculous emails people forwarded to their friends and family about Velveeta cheese being one molecule away from being plastic, Photoshoped pictures of El Chupacabra, and a copy of Obama's health care reform plan. All of these fictitious items are being studied by said SoD in hopes of finding a connection between the loss of rational human thought and the proliferation of this fleeting thing we call internet fame. I hope the Secretary of Dumbassery has a good health care plan that covers mental health as well as gastrointestinal issues. He's gonna need it.