September 14, 2010

The Music Of The Night...

I finally watched the VMAs tonight. I wasn't impressed in the slightest. I guess it's one of those situations where I have out-aged pop culture. This was the first time in several years that I've watched the VMAs and I don't feel I've missed anything. It seems that music has become like video games for me, I enjoy hearing about them more than playing them. I will say that it was refreshing to see Lady Gaga visibly nervous before each category was announced. Too often the people nominated sit there stoic trying not to look like they want to win. It's so un-PC to want to be named the best. And Kanye West reached the height of ego by writing and performing a song all himself. Let's have a toast to the douchebag.

I have been trying to write new songs for awhile now with no luck. More specifically I have been trying to write one song for the last three days. I have the music but no lyrics or melody. The worst part is that I have no idea what to write about. I'm not angry. I try to stay away from politics. Do we really need another love song? I was never any good at writing love songs anyway. I'm not old enough to start writing nostalgia. I don't have any stories about the open road. It's just all too passe. Apparently I peaked in my mid-twenties. Maybe I should leave the songwriting to the real songwriters and just be a performer.


Anonymous said...

i never watch the VMAs or anything like that either. i just don't really care, never have. of course i was picked on in school for not being "cool" because i didn't watch MTV.

on a side note, i recently started this whole blog-a-ma-deal, please check out mine. :)

it kinda sucks right now, so i need some input and encouragement. :p