A lot of consideration went into this list. Things like how the movie holds up, plot and if I have re-watched it multiple times were mixed in and ultimately thrown out for my fleeting whims. These first ten entries were hard to catalog and several good films did not make the list but I am happy over all. So enjoy and let me know how you feel about my list.
50. Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
This movie kinda polarizes people but I find it hilarious. The crazy characters and sparse setting make this movie an offbeat gem. And let's be honest, who doesn't want a Liger?
49. 300 (2007)
Preachy? Yes. Over the top? Definitely. Fun? Oh, HELL YEAH! 300 surprised a lot of people when it debuted with its hyper violence and overt homo-erotic imagery. It put Gerard Butler and Zach Snyder on the map. Too bad it's become a icon to douche bags.
48. Before Sunset (2004)
I love Richard Linklater's 1995 romance Before Sunrise and this sequel is just as good. It is a wonderful essay on perception verses reality as time goes by. And that final scene of Julie Delpy dancing only serves to leave us wanting more. Maybe Linklater will give us a third peek into these character's lives in 2014.
47. Rent (2005)
I saw Rent on the stage about 10 years ago and really did not like it but for some reason I still went to the theater and watched this film. I will always maintain that this is a far better movie than it ever was as a play. And how can not hum those damned catchy songs?
46. Elizabethtown (2005)
Orlando bloom sucks in this movie. Beside that every other performance is spectacular (okay, except for Jessica Biel's completely throw away cameo). The music is great and Kirsten Dunst is as cute as ever. Almost makes me want to take a road trip through Kentucky...almost.
45. Igby goes Down (2002)
Keiran Culken turns a wonderful performance in this sparse drama. Amanda Peet and Jeff Goldbloom round out a great cast or characters. Oh, and Goldbloom gives one of the best beat downs this decade.
44. 28 Days Later (2002)
Fast zombies full of rage! This re-imagining of the zombie mythos set the stage for the zombie renaissance that has dominated pop culture for the last few years. I like the explanation of a virus causing all the chaos, too bad they didn't learn in 28 weeks Later.
43. The Incredibles (2004)
The best Fantastic Four movie I have ever seen!
42. The Prestige (2006)
Christian Bale has produced a phenomenal body of work this decade and here he is spectacular. Throw in Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johansson and David Bowie for a top notch cast and a twist ending that M. Night Shyamalan wishes he could write.
41. The Notorious Betty Page (2006)
Gretchen Mol is stunning as Betty Page in this wonderful bio-pic. The style and feel of this film is pitch perfect. Too bad it didn't garner a wide release.
That's it for this first entry but I will have #40-31 shortly. It's going to be a busy December.
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