20. Wonder Boys (2000)
What a spectacular cast! And since seeing this movie I can't tell you how many times my friends and I have sat and made up stories about random people in public. Michael Douglas is great as an aging writer who is carrying on an affair with a married woman. So good.
19. Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001)
I knew about the stage play for a couple years before this movie was released and was a little skeptical. But my goodness, this is a great film. And the music! I think I might need a little alone time...
18. Big Fish (2003)
The relationship between father and son is both difficult and wonderful all at the same time and in this movie Tim Burton transcends his normal style over substance approach to really capture that dynamic. I dare you to watch the final 15 minutes of this movie without crying.
17. Old School (2003)
I lived this movie. When the television spots for this first hit my ex-wife turned to me and asked if I had written a movie. And we all know someone who is our own Frank The Tank. You're my boy, Blue!!
16. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)
I hated The Odyssey when I read it in high school. Luckily the Cohen brothers know how to boil a story down to its basic elements and let the actors find their own space. George Clooney is incredible and the soundtrack made Bluegrass cool again.
15. Stardust (2007)
This slid underneath the radar when it was released. I think too many people lumped it in with the plethora of fantasy flicks that were emerging and just moved on. Claire Danes shines (literally) as a fallen star and Robert De Niro is spectacular as a gay lightning pirate. Do yourself a favor and give this one a look.
14. Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
John C. Riley is a comic mastermind. His understated delivery and awkward looks make for brilliant movie moments. The cast of character actors really make this a better movie than it should be. And Riley's singing is the cherry on top of this tasty comic cake.
13. Cloverfield (2008)
Not since The Blair Witch Project has a movie done viral marketing better. For six months prior to the release of this modern monster movie there was endless speculation about the plot, the name and the general story behind this film. And on top of it all the movie delivered on all the hype. Even since the movie was released there are still tidbits and factoids about this film that are being discovered. And at the heart of the movie is a love story. J.J. Abrams is a genius.
12. Serenity (2005)
The movie based on a failed television series that was demanded by a rabid fan base that never should have been. I could have easily put this in the top ten based solely on one of the greatest space battle scenes of all time. I watched Serenity before I ever watched Firefly and I had no trouble following the movie. This is a testament to Joss Whedon's ability to write a great story that is both over arcing and self contained. Sci-fi must see.
This movie made Jack Black a household name. I was working at a record store when this came out and much like Clerks this spoke to me in a way that few movies have. John Cusack is great as a record store owner trying to make things work with his ex-girlfriend and come to terms with where he is in life. The perfect prescription for someone who is going through a mid-life crisis.
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