30. The Wackness (2008)
Ben Kingly is absolutely amazing in this film about a teen aged drug dealer and his therapist. Set in New York City circa 1994 before Rudy Giuliani cleaned things up, the tone film really reflects the times without being heavy handed or pandering. Well worth your time.
29. Cold Mountain (2003)
It's amazing that an Aussie and and Brit can play such convincing southerners. Cold Mountain is a great movie about love and loss during a time of war. And the battle scenes are both brutal and beautiful all at once.
28. Finding Nemo (2003)
The movie that sent a million clown fish down the toilet to a grand adventure. Pixar really knocked this one out of the park but the real star of this film is Ellen Degeneres' Dory. Who doesn't want to have a sidekick who can speak whale?
27. Iron Man (2008)
Robert Downey Jr. is Tony Stark. This is the best origin story of all the superhero films that have cropped up in the last decade. Too bad Terrence Howard couldn't make things work for Iron Man 2.
26. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Michel Gondry knows how to create stunning visuals that complement the story without over shadowing it. Jim Carey and Kate Winslet both turn in career performances as well as Kirsten Dunst in a supporting role.
25. Sideways (2004)
Neither of the main characters in this movie are likable. Paul Giamatti's Miles steals money from his mother and Thomas Hayden Church's Jack is constantly cheating on his fiance. But still, you find yourself pulling for Miles by the time the movie is done. And Virginia Madsen is hot!!
24. Once (2006)
This one will make you both fall in love and break your heart at the same time. And the music is magnificent. What more can I say?
23. A Mighty Wind (2003)
Christopher Guest does it again. This mockumentary really has a heart and the heartbreak between Mitch and Mickey falls off the screen like a anvil. Plus we get a reunion of sorts from Spinal Tap.
22. Hustle & Flow (2005)
It's hard out there for a pimp and Djay has it real hard. But he has a dream to be a rapper and nothing is gonna stand in his way. Terrence Howard turns in a star making performance here.
21. Lost In Translation (2003)
Sofia Coppola really captures the isolation of a washed up actor and a neglected child bride who are both out of their comfort zone. And Bill Murray proves that he can do more than comedy once again.
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