40. Bobby (2006)
This movies really brings out stellar performances from several actors that aren't known for having range. Plus the subject matter is drawn from one of America's darker political moments. Even Lindsey Lohan shines here.
39. Watchmen (2009)
Zach Snyder took a property that I've never really liked and turned it into a must see. Hardcore fans complain about the change to the ending but did we really need a giant squid?
38. Fanboys (2009)
This movie took a 2 year journey through post production hell but still managed to emerge as a love letter to Star Wars and its fandom. And I love a movie that spends an hour and a half to set up the final joke.
37. Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)
Outside of the behind the scenes drama that this production was wrapped in this is a really good action movie. Granted it is a bit far fetched at times but still it's a lot of fun to watch.
36. The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
This one caught everyone by surprise. Anne Hathaway is beautiful and pitch perfect as an intern for the wicked witch of fashion. And Meryl Streep plays a wonderfully evil bitch. She should play this role more.
Who would have thought that the sequel to a raunchy teen comedy would be better than the original? And it had a lot of heart. Too bad the franchise has been turned into a straight to dvd hackfest.
34. Unbreakable (2000)
In my opinion the only good movie M. Night Shaymalan has done to date. The "twist" at the end wasn't fantastical or out of character for the movie's tone. I really hope the much talked about sequel happens.
33. Grindhouse (2007)
Two great movies for one low price. But audiences didn't know what to make of it and it tanked at the box office. Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof is my favorite of the two and Kurt Russell is amazing as Stuntman Mike. And the fake trailers are better than most actual movies being produced these days.
32. Black Snake Moan (2007)
Where to begin? Christina Ricci is great. Samuel L. Jackson is great. Even Justin Timberlake is great. The dirty south never looked better.
31. Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
Steve Carell and Alan Arkin shine in this offbeat little comedy. And that dance routine at the end is one for the ages.
Unbreakable didn't crack the top twenty? You need to turn in your geek creds, sir.
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