June 16, 2009

I'm getting Too Old For This...

This last weekend just about did me in. Between the late nights and filming all day on Saturday I think it might be time to admit I'm getting old. Don't get me wrong, I can still party with the best of them. It's just a lot harder to raise my head off the pillow the next day. Oh to be twenty-five again.

New stuff to report now. Facebook gave us all the opportunity to customize our domain names and mine is now www.facebook.com/alansmith13 so you can find me there. I'm sure most of you reading this are already stalking me on facebook so this may be a mute point. I have also changed the domain name for this blog as well, now it is just alansmith13.com. This page will now be my official homepage. That really doesn't mean much as I am very sporadic with my posts.

One last note for this time, if you're ever in Paduka, KY it is highly recommended that you skip on going to Ernie's Sports Bar. Unless you're into ghetto sports bars and ugly women. Jussayin'.