January 21, 2010

My "Fast" Life Day 1 & 2

I started a fast on January 19, 2010. I'm still not 100% sure why I am doing this but here I am. I will be on this fast for thirty days and while I'm on it I cannot have meat and animal products, dairy, yeast, sweeteners of any kind, refined and processed food products, deep friend foods, and solid fats. Also, I can only drink purified, distilled or spring water. This is going to be a long thirty days. I have also given up ANY kind of carnal pleasure for the duration. Did I mention this was going to be a long thirty days?

Several people have suggested that I blog about this process and being the self important person that I am I decided put the words down on internet. This is how my first couple days went:

Day 1 - I did okay for the most part. I'll be honest, I kinda woke up this morning and decided I was going to do the fast so I didn't prepare at all. I also didn't read the rules as closely as I thought I had. I had leavened bread with my Boca burger. So really I broke the rules twice on this one. Boca burgers have yeast in them. I did not know this until day two. It took me roughly two and a half hours to screw up.

Day 2 - Things were a little better today. I had a better sense of what was expected and what not to eat. The worst part is the caffeine headache. That and since I work in the service industry I have to be around all the food I can't eat. I hate this already.