January 26, 2010

My "Fast" Life Days 4-8

I have discovered that black beans and whole wheat spaghetti are my friends. Maybe not other people's friends but definitely mine. My spaghetti sauce is still in tact except for the meat but I tend to eat tomato sauce when I go out anyway so it's not a great sacrifice. I still have some potabella mushrooms in my 'fridge that I have to figure out how to use. All in all the weekend was easy to get through, except for last Friday night. At work that night we had macaroni and cheese and it was tough not to bury my head in the pan. Dairy is the toughest. I have also discovered that I do not like navel oranges. Something about them just does not set well with my pallet.

I finally got back in the gym on Sunday. I had a good workout considering the gym closed earlier than I thought it did so I didn't get the full effect. Monday morning I had another good workout but it just reaffirmed that I hate doing leg workouts. So as it stands my chest and legs are sore as crap. I should have never taken a two week break.


NotTheGirlYouThinkYouAre said...

I love black beans!!! I mix them with lettuce, chopped tomato and salsa. Sounds weird, but I like it. How is your new guitar?