May 16, 2009

Better Late Than Never

It's been a few months since I updated this blog. I had originally planned to do a series of blogs about the year 1999 but as I started organizing them I realized that looking back ten years isn't the answer. Don't get me wrong, I loved 1999. It was one of the best years of my life and I have many fond memories from that time. The real thing here is that I find myself in the middle of a decade in life that I never thought would come. I never had a plan past 29 years old. I thought I'd die or just fade away before I entered my thirties. The brutal reality is that now I am a middle aged man who doesn't have a clue how to live life anymore.

I've recently met a couple of women that I've found very intriguing and even have contemplated asking them out. But the simple fact is that we aren't in the same place in our lives. A few years ago we would have been perfect for each other. Hell, a decade ago I would have ran blindly right into any scenario involving them or girls just like them. Now I find myself in that time of life where the things I have always loved (i.e. wild women, alcohol, bar hoping, etc.) just really make me feel like that old guy that's trying desperately to hang on to some semblance of his youth.

In the last year I had an experience that wreaked of high school. I mean once I got on the other side of this situation a very familiar, yet long forgotten, feeling washed over me. Almost a year later I look back and realized that I was trying to wedge myself into a group of people that just didn't want me around. And the sole reason for that was that I'm not their age anymore. That hurt a little. Ok, A LOT. But such is life. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if I had done just a little planning along the way I wouldn't feel like an overgrown teenager in a world that is tired of overgrown teenagers.

Mostly I've used this blog to talk about pop culture. It's time to get back to writing about the things that I'm experiencing day to day. I mean if we can't use the internet for self indulgence then what good is having an internet connection? There will be more very soon.