September 23, 2008

Of monkeys and...well, monkeys

Monkeys are funny. If they weren't such shit throwing little bastards I might be convinced to have one of my own. But it seems that monkeys only have a certain capacity for caring about other monkeys. Scientists call this a Monkey Sphere. You can read about it here:

This makes perfect sense to me. What that says about me is up for debate but I believe that we, as humans, can expand our range of caring better than monkeys. Having said that, I am currently trying to expand my monkey sphere. Not globally mind you. That would just be ludicrous. No dear readers, I am currently taking applications for new friends. I still love (ok, mildly like) my old friends but I believe that new friends keep you young (or at least immature).

Who am I kidding, only my old friends read this thing and my capacity to care is about as big as a snow pea. Enjoy the above article.


sweet mave said...

i'm throwin shit at u right now!